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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth ESRB Rating Details

Updated: Dec 12, 2023

There will be blood.

MP1 has reported the ESRB's rating for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. The game has been rated T for Teen.  ESRB released a lengthy in-depth description for their rating. Revealing that the game will have pools of blood, deep cleavage and a potential clue on certain character's fate.

Here's the beginning of the rating description:

“This is an action role-playing game in which players follow the story of a mercenary (Cloud Strife) on a quest to save the planet from evil," it said, which is all standard so far. "Players explore fantasy landscapes, perform missions, and battle monsters and soldiers in frenetic melee combat. Characters use swords, staffs, guns, and magic spells to fight monsters and human soldiers; combat is highlighted by impact sounds, cries of pain, and explosions."

The part about blood and violence:

"Cutscenes depict further instances of violence, sometimes with splatters/pools of blood: characters impaled or slashed by swords, sometimes with slow-motion effects; an assassin throwing a spinning blade at a targeted figure; characters shot by soldiers."

And lastly, the rest of the ESRB rating description:

"Some female characters are designed with revealing outfits (e.g., deep cleavage); suggestive dialogue sometimes accompanies camera panning/close-ups of characters’ bodies/outfits (e.g., 'Just admit it. You’re obviously captivated by my bodacious beach bod.'). The game contains some alcohol content: as Cloud, players can drink a version of moonshine while at a bar; cutscenes sometimes feature drunk characters slurring their speech. A handful of scenes depict characters smoking cigars or out of hookahs. The words 'sh*t,' 'a*shole,' and 'pr*ck' appear in the game."

My Thoughts


First, I glad there is going to blood in this game. Never thought I would be saying this for a video game. But there is one pivotal scene in Remake where the blood was essential.

That part is the Shinra Building involving the ooze trail from Jenova. In the original, there was a long trail of blood leading to President Shinra’s office. The blood made that scene ominous. A omen of things to come in the story.

Blood Trails: Original Game(Right), Remake(Left)

Instead, we get a trail of ooze in Remake. And it made that scene less impacted than it was in the original. The only semblance that made the scene still ominous and chilling was the song called Trails of Blood.

Now, I don’t fault the developers for making this decision. They were worry about the FFVII Remake’s rating. So I understand their decision. But, it is a missed opportunity nonetheless.

Slashing and Impaling

Obviously, Rebirth will have these elements since Cloud, Sephiroth and members of SOLDIER wield swords. In fact, we see Tifa get cut by Sephiroth in the Summer Games Fest Trailer. And people being shot by guns is most likely due to Shinra Infantrymen and Barret. This will no doubt take place in the story and combat as well.

Younger Tifa after being cut by Sephiroth.

The Impaling could be nod to a major character's death. We still don’t know how things will play out regarding this character's fate. Since Square Enix has sending us mixed signals about this particular matter. And for good reason which I will get into another article soon.

Revealing Outfits

Moving on to a more lighthearted topic. With the Costa Del Sol and Gold Saucer, the deep cleavage is not surprising. And when you have line like this.


“Just admit it. You're obviously captivated by my bodacious beach bod!"


The ESRB did not disclose who said this line. But, my money is on Aerith or Yuffie. Comically, Hojo would be funny saying this line. Or even Barret blurring out this line.

As for Gold Saucer which is the biggest entertainment establishment in Final Fantasy VII. And being funded by Shinra which will attract a lot of filthy rich customers. You can count lot of women wearing revealing outfits and costumes.

Hamaguchi and Kitase has spoken in interviews that players will be able to dress costumes in different outfits. And some of these outfits could fall under the revealing category too. It should be mentioned that  characters will be reverted back to their original outfits during important scenes. And I think that a good call because I wouldn't want any inappropriate costumes ruining these scenes for me.

Tifa, Aerith and Cloud's dresses from FFVII Remake.


I am not going too dive deep into this one. The original FF7 and Remake had a lot of cursing. And even Aerith cursed when she dropped adorable “shit” line in Remake. Heck, if she curses in Rebirth, I will laugh. Or appreciate how she make curse words into to adorable sounding ones.

That is my take on the ESRB’s rating. And I am fine with it. I glad there will be blood(which I am not trying to sound like sadist). And that will make certain scenes more impactful when the need for it arises.

As the alleged character’s fate I mentioned eariler, I have something brewing for that one. So stay tuned. In the meantime, what do you think about the ESRB rating? Let me know in the comments below.

Source: IGN, Gamerant

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