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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Game Informer Dive Deep Part 2

This deep dive will break down Chadley and On The Road Again.

Cloud and Tifa fist bumping - Game Informer
Cloud and Tifa fist bumping - Game Informer

Breaking Out


From various trailers and previews, we knew that Chadley would be returning. For those who don’t know him, Chadley was an R & D researcher with Shinra. However, he helps the party by making materia for them. Chadley's materia are rewards for completing battle intel quest.

In Rebirth, Cloud and Chadley’s business relationship will continue. This time, Chadley will be enlisting Cloud’s help with World Intel quests. These quests will have Cloud and the party hunting down specific enemy types. Completing these quests will help Chadley with his research. Chadley’s world quests will be a prominent part of the side quests.

Affinity System

Brian Shea experienced all of this in a special preview that Square Enix provided for him. While Shea got the impression that the rewards will be worth taking the side quests. There is a driving force behind the side quests are the narratives.

Furthermore, there is a hidden affinity system in the game. To make side quests more meaningful, the developers have expanded this system. Meaning that this mechanic takes your actions and transforms them into how certain scenes will play out.

Rebirth’s side content will be catalyst for the affinity system. In addition, there will be a secondary protagonist accompanying Cloud on side quests. Completing side quests will increase Cloud’s relationship with that second protagonist. Shea sees this play out in a hands-off demo.

Hamaguchi's Comments About Affinity
Hamaguchi's Comments About Affinity

Crow Nest

In the hands-off demo played by Hamaguchi, the party is visiting a brand-new town called the Crow’s Nest. This town was never in the original game. So, the town is unique to Rebirth.

Crow’s Nest is a sister town to Under Junon. Similar to Under Junon, the Crow’s Nest is home to anti Shinra residents. Once they learned that Cloud and the party are with Avalanche. They are greeted with open arms.

In the demo, Shea sees the party coming back from a successful mission. The mission was to retrieve an item for another resident. After walking around the town, another resident informs Cloud of a mercenary operating by a nearby lighthouse. In turn, Cloud goes to investigate.

Lighthouse and Fort Condor.
Lighthouse and Fort Condor.

On The Road Again


As the demo proceeds to the party finding mercenary, Shea got a look at the play styles of Red XIII and Cait Sith. Red XIII is an agile and quick fighter. Red XIII’s unique ability is Vengeance Mode.

In previous articles including mine, Red XIII’s Vengeance Mode involves a meter. By guarding against enemies’ attacks, the Vengeance meter fills ups. Once it is filled, Red XIII can execute Vengeance Mode. In this mode, Red XIII’s speed and attack power increase. Thus, there moves that Red XIII can use once he is in his unique mode.

Red XIII attacking an enemy.
Red XIII attacking an enemy.

Cait Sith

Next, Shea was introduced to Cait Sith’s battle style. This is the first time that we received any information on Cait Sith’s play style. And it is the most unique style yet.

Cait Sith can fight on his own or he can call his giant moogle bot. Cait Sith has several moves based on luck just like the original game. When on his robotic moogle, Cait Sith can use moves such as Moogle Mine. Moogle Mine can set explosives across the battlefield.

Cait Sith can even fight separately from his moogle. The player will control Cait Sith while the moogle is controlled by the AI. And the moogle will have his own HP bar. Once the moogle runs out of HP, it will disappear. As a result, Cait Sith wouldn’t be able to use the moogle for a while.

Cait Sith taking on a flan solo. - Game Informer
Cait Sith taking on a flan solo.


Once the party reaches the lighthouse, they find Kyrie. Kyrie is a character that debuted in the novel, The Kids Are Alright: A Turks Side Story. In the Remake trilogy, the party met Kyrie in the Midgar. Kyrie was in trouble which the party had to bailing her out. The party will have to do so again. But this time,she has a different problem.

Kyrie has decided to run a mercenary business. However, she is not the most equipped person for the job. Any player who completed her side quest in Remake will know why. Thanks to lack of her combat skills, Kyrie is having trouble launching her business.

This is where Cloud and the party come into play. First, they figure that Kryie is getting no customers thanks to the theme song she is playing. The song is attracting monsters which is scaring away potential customers. The monsters are a group of flans being led by a powerful White Mousse variant.

The party dispatch the smaller flans. Hamaguchi summons Titan to deal with the White Mousse. Titan shreds through the White Mousse completing the mission.

Kyrie requesting Cloud and Red XII's help.
Kyrie requesting Cloud and Red XII's help.

Growing Bonds

Red XIII is the secondary protagonist for the lighthouse mission. Kyrie takes a shine toward Red XIII due to his animal like appearance. Smitten, Kyrie wants to make Red XIII her pet.

Red XIII rightfully shoots her down. Kyrie runs out to her next post. Once she gone, Red XIII remarks, “I wouldn’t wish her on my worst enemy.” With the lighthouse completed, Cloud and Red XIII’s affinity increases. Potentially having effect on the main story and side content going forward.

Hamaguchi emphasized how the developers wanted to grant players the freedom of choice. The freedom to choose whether to just play the main story. Or players can explore the side content.

In order to get an understanding of the deeper relations between characters. Playing the side content can also give characters a deeper understanding of the story and the world. Of course, players can play a balance both main and side content too.

Excerpt on Red XIII being second protagonist in a side quest.
Excerpt on Red XIII being second protagonist in a side quest.


Hamaguchi reminded us that synergy is another way to build affinity between characters. When two characters use a synergy for the first time. That first one will increase the affinity between the two characters. Each synergy has a unique animation and effect.

Hamaguchi brings up one example of a synergy between Cait Sith and Cloud. And this is one of the zaniest synergies of the game. Cait Sith’s Moogle grabs Cloud’s Buster Sword while Cloud rides on moogle's back.

Shea comments that he loved seeing the many combinations that synergy has to offer. Plus, synergy adds extra layers of game play to the already excellent battle system. More importantly, Shea states that synergy is a central theme in Rebirth. The theme of developing bonds between party members.

An exceprt about Synergy.
An exceprt about Synergy.

Mini Games

Queen Blood

Just like in the original game, FFVII Rebirth will have a ton of mini games. Queen's Blood will be most prominent mini game. While the development was silent on the mechanics of the new card. Queen Blood will be a deck building and strategic card game. And there are sheer number of cards according to Toriyama.

Shea pointed out that once you get towards the end of building your deck. Queen Blood becomes a very fast paced. On the maximum difficulty of the game, you will have to placed your cards near instantaneous. Shea concludes that very few players will master this level.

Piano Game

Shea got another look at the piano game. He learned that Cloud can find music sheets in the world. The music sheets can be use to create compositions in the piano game.

Playing the piano game involves by using the two analog sticks. The game has a freestyle mode in which you play whatever you want. One developer plays a famous Japanese in the mini game.

While it may take some time and practice to play songs. But the developers assured us that the mechanics are deep. And they encourage players to embrace the ability to play any song. Plus, these songs can posted online.

Cloud walking the busy streets of Kalm.
Cloud walking the busy streets of Kalm.


The Case of Synergy

The first thing I wanted to point out is Synergy. The Synergy continues be a recurring topic of discussion by the developers. Originally, it was just a new feature that was introduced in Intergrade.

While I knew they would evolve the Synergy system in Rebirth. I would have never thought it would be an important part of the FFVII Rebirth beyond battle. But, I am pleased that Synergy will have such importance in Rebirth.

Square Enix have not only elevated Synergy to be an excellent battle tool. But they are using Synergy as a way to develop the relationship of party members. In turn, this will have an impact on the side content and main story as whole.

Aerith and Cait Sith's Synergy
Aerith and Cait Sith's Synergy

Side Content and Affinity

Speaking of side content, I appreciate they are making the side quests vital to the main story.  The side content in Rebirth will be another way to develop the affinity between Cloud and the party.  Affinity will have a major impact on the side content and the main story too.

I am glad that Hamaguchi, Toriyama and the rest of the team are taking such care with the side content. We should thank our lucky starts that Hamaguchi’s favorite game was Witcher 3. Square Enix continues to take inspiration and influence from outside of their flagship games. And it is paying off in spades for them.

Learning that we can explore the world of FFVII Rebirth with such depth excites me. I am someone who loves good lore. So I get giddy when there is a lot of it.

They are aiming to capture the essence of exploration in Rebirth. With CBU1’s current task, I have faith they will succeed. After all, Hamaguchi has expressed that he has supreme confidence in this game.

Cloud riding a wheelie in Costa Del Sol.
Cloud riding a wheelie in Costa Del Sol.

Red XIII and Cait Sith

I have to admit something. I am really curious to play Cait Sith now. I never thought I would say this. Prior to Rebirth, I was never a fan of Cait Sith in the original. He was almost never in my party.

Now I am intrigued with the prospect of playing Cait Sith. Hearing about his unique gameplay will be interesting to implement in the battle. Plus, I also want to see this zany synergy that Cloud and Cait Sith have.

Despite this newfound intrigue to play as Cait Sith, Red XIII remains the highest on my list. I have expressed excitement over his gameplay in past articles. I like what we know so far about Vengeance mode.

However, I can’t wait to take on side missions with him and other party members. Nonetheless to say, I want to experience the lighthouse side quest with him myself. Plus, I am dying to hear the words that come out of Red XIII.

The open world of FFVII Rebirth
The open world of FFVII Rebirth

Mini Games

They are overloaded Rebirth with mini games. Who knows if I will play them all. But Queen’s Blood is a game that I am inching to play. It reminds me of Triple Triad which is the best FF mini game in the series.

Tetra Master never pulled me in. Blitzball was a mini game I put in a lot of time. But it never reached the level of greatness that Triple Triad achieved. So, we will see Queen’s Blood can reach the excellence of Triple Triad. However, I will be content with game as long as it is enjoyable.

I can’t wait to jam on that piano again. And the freestyle mode sounds cool. Being able to play your own songs or jam for the hell of it will be a blast. Although, I will try to learn the compositions in the game too.

Chocobo Racing was one game I played a lot in the original. And I didn't just play for the game changing awards either. I enjoyed Chocobo Racing too. Hearing that they improved and modernized it, makes me excited to play it again.

Also, I think we should all be glad that the development did not collaborate with Chocobo GP. That game didn't last long. It’s a relief that the developers went in it a different route with Chocobo racing.

Gold Saucer Monorail
Gold Saucer Monorail


A lot of great stuff was revealed in this portion of the Game Informer article. I have one more part that needs to be covered. And I feel that one is going to be heartbreaking doozy.

The more I dive into this article, the more excited I get for Rebirth.  Plus, I am relieved with the attention to detail and care that the developers are applying to Rebirth. It ensures that Rebirth is in excellent hands.

How about you? Are getting more excited about Rebirth? Are you relieving with some of care and decisions of the developers? Leave your comments below and I see you for part three.

Sources: Image and Information provided Game Informer

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