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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth: Release Date Trailer

Updated: Dec 3, 2023

That was one hell of a way to finish a State of Play! I was hoping a new trailer for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth would drop soon. And the trailer was massive, and we got the release date too. And we got even more information an interview from the Playstation Blog.

I will cover the key takeaways from the trailer. Also I using some of the information from Playstation Blog interview. As I dive into explosive trailer.

Zack Returns

Being absent from the last trailer, Zack reappear in this trailer. He is still carrying Cloud but now they are both a ruined Midgar. Elmyra is in the background too. Will she notice Zack?

Parade Minigame

Following the Rufus’s declaration, we see another an infantry soldier with a familiar looking sword. That would be Cloud disguised as a Shinra foot soldier.

In the original, Cloud dressed as a Shinra Soldier to infiltrate the upper part of Junon. But he got dragged into the proceedings of the parade. That's when the mini game begins.

This time, Cloud is seen leading the parade. In Rebirth, Namaguchi stated in the PS Blog interview that will lead the parade. Furthermore, he chooses the formation as well.

Familiar and New Vistas

Cloud and the party are wandering around the slums of Junon, Cosmo Canyon, and different biomes. One scene had a pirate ship in the distance. Don’t remember that being in the original. But it is lovely to get a glimpse of that beautiful HD version of Cosmo Canyon.

Sephiroth’s Revelation

“I’m the same as those monsters? Am I even human?”

A confused Sephiroth utters those words as he slices through a pod containing a Mako infused monster. This is the scene where Sephiroth has an epiphany about his origins. And where his descent into madness begins.

The scene shows that not only are being faithful to the scene in the original. But they are expanding and making more impact. So, we count on Rebirth being mostly faithful to the old Final Fantasy VII.

Cait Sith’s Debut

I never thought I say this but I actually happy to see Cait Sith?! Cait Sith is my least liked party member in FFVII. So far, Caith Sith’s gameplay involves him switch between attacking solo or rising on top of his giant moogle. Could he actually be good now?

Sephiroth Clones and Mideel?

The party is visiting Mideel? In the original FFVII, you didn’t reach Mideel until later in Disc 2. And the party was looking for Cloud. And Aerith wasn't with them either.

Here Cloud, Aerith, and the rest of gang are in Mideel. Furthermore, they are talking to a doctor in a familiar hospital with green curtains. The conversation is about Sephiroth clones.

Cloud thinks that the clones could lead them to Sephiroth. The doctor tells the party that the clones are suffering from the same cellular degradation as Angeal and Genesis.

Next, Cloud has a hallucination of Sephiroth. Sephiroth instructs Cloud to ignore the doctor and trust him. In response, Cloud immediately draws his sword. It seems Sephiroth will be manipulating Cloud in Mideel too.

Buggy, Chocobos, and a Wheelie?!

The buggy makes its return in Rebirth. And it looks cool. Although, the Buggy is not the only to get around. And there are other ways to explore the vast world of Rebirth.

In addition to the regular chocobos, you ride different colored ones too. Each chocobo had different ways of getting around. A black chocobo can ride up mountains. And green chocobos can glide in the air.

In Costa De Sol, Cloud is riding around on a wheelie? Furthermore, he's wearing a different outfit too. Could Costa De Sol and other towns have a different way of getting around? Plus, will those modes of transportation be unique to that location?

More Synergy Attacks

Yuffie and Barret teamed up for a synergy attack which draws a symbol with her shuriken. Barret shoots enemies through the symbol. Aerith and Cait Sith do another synergy which Aerith conjures up magic orbs. Cait Sith shallows the orbs. And blasts enemies with the energy from the orbs.

Cloud and Sephiroth have a synergy of their own. While fighting the Materia Guardian, the two 1st Class Soldiers hit the monster with their Double Helix move. Sephiroth and Cloud have individual close ups before finishing the monster.

New Summons

We got teasers of Alexander, Kujata and Odin. According to Hamaguchi, we are getting even more Summons. And there will be ones returning from Remake. Finally, there is a side quest for a new summon that was never featured in the original game.

The Gold Saucer Returns

Cloud and the girls are riding the monorail. The girls are in awe as the monorail arrives at the Gold Saucer. This could be the party’s first visit.

Andrea Rhodea makes his grand entrance. Once again, he is doing his thing while leading a dance number at the Gold Saucer. Dio, the owner of the Gold Saucer, make his flamboyant debut.

The Gold Saucer’s famous mini games are shown. Chocobo racing is back with whole new mechanics. The famous 3D brawler game is back. The game characters now have the polygon designs of the old FFVII. And G-Bike was shown at the end of the mini games segment.

Kylie and Mysterious Cloak Person

Zack approaches Kylie with Cloud. The EX-Solider asks the confused girl if she can look after Cloud for a bit. The scene then shifts back to Rufus’s parade. There is another person wearing a cloak like the Sephiroth clones. However, this guy seems to be much healthier than the other clones. Who knows what this new character is?


Tifa is swimming in the lifestream. A weapon is moving right in front of her. Could the weapons, the protectors of the planet, be making an appearance earlier in the game? If I were to guess when they appear in Rebirth. I am going to surmise it is near the climax of the game.

Vincent Valentine

Popping out of a coffin was Vincent Valentine. That's right. Vincent was revealed. After bursting out of his coffin. Vincent asks angrily, “Who dares disturb my slumber?!

Call me crazy. But I could have sworn that the one voicing Vincent was Matt Mercer. If that is the case, then this is a perfect casting. Not only does Matt deliver this line perfectly, but his voice also matches Vincent so well.

The Reunion

"It’s upon us, the Reunion. When worlds merge. I’m waiting Cloud.”

What the heck does this line mean? Does this mean that there is more than one timeline? When the party reaches Sephiroth at the end of Rebirth, will these timelines combine into one? And will the party be fighting Sephiroth at the end again?

After all, we see the party gathering to presumably face Sephiroth again? And they seem to be in a similar singularity as in Remake. Cloud is seen leaping to attack Sephiroth.

Release Date

Thankfully, we will not have to wait too much longer to play Rebirth. Plus, get some answers to these burning questions. Honestly, February 29th can’t get here soon enough. But, I willing to wait since I feel Rebirth is going to be the stuff of legends.

Sources: Gematsu, Youtube

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