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It's Official! Matt Mercer is the Voice of Vincent Valentine!

Updated: Dec 3, 2023

There was another surprise at the panel.

The rumors were true! And Matt Mercer laid them to rest. He is voicing Vincent Valentine in Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth! Matt confirmed during the NYCC panel for FF VII:Rebirth voice cast.

After announcement, the crowd went wild. The news has been met with much jubilation and excitement. As for myself, I am beyond ecstatic that Matt is voicing Vincent Valentine. What a time to be a Final Fantasy VII fan!

Initially, the producers pranked Matt into thinking he was voicing another random NPC. The producers called he back to the booth. The screen containing the lines started glitching and fade to black. Then, the image of Vincent appeared on the screen.

It's one hell of a way to tell someone that they are voicing an iconic character. Especially, when Matt Mercer voicing Vincent Valentine. Did Nomura rub off on the producers perhaps? In any case, this is awesome news!

The panel had a surprise appearance from the game director's, Naoki Hamaguchi. Matt and Hamaguchi engaged in Q&A about the game. The Q&A revolved around Vincent, the Costa Sol wheelies, and the reasons behind Red XIII riding chocobos.

NYCC Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Q&A

Matt Mercer, Vincent Valentine Voice Actor: What was your internal development process in getting Red XIII onto a chocobo? What was it that inspired you and got you to that final finish line?

Naoki Hamaguchi, Director: “There was a bit of a debate among the team about this topic. One of the designers had gone ahead and created a file of Red XIII riding a chocobo and this was just so adorable that we just had to take it to our creative director, Nomura-san. And he reviewed it and just immediately said yes. So we went ahead with that. In Rebirth we also have flying chocobos too, but I don’t know if everyone wants to see Red XIII flying around the sky with his tail spinning around like a helicopter.”

Regarding Vincent, in the original game, he was technically an optional character, but you recruited him right? (Hamaguchi: Right.) You recruited him, I recruited him. But why was he optional to begin with?

Hamaguchi: “You know, I actually had the same question. I was a player at the time the original came out, so I’d like to know why too. But I can say that for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, he is going to join your team no matter what.” (Editor’s Note: Hamaguchi technically says he is going to be a “required character.” He will not be playable in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.)

And to that point, if you, the director of this project, had to choose between recruiting Yuffie or Vincent, which would you pick?

Hamaguchi: “I mean with Suzie [Yeung] as Yuffie right next to me and you, Matt [Mercer], as Vincent right here, I really cannot answer this question. (Laughs.) I really love all of the characters involved in Final Fantasy VII, along with those two, so that’s my answer. (Laughs.)”

Kitase-san, who has been the director of so many incredible games—Final Fantasy VI, VII, Chrono Trigger—you grew up with a lot of these games too and inspired you to become a game developer. What’s it like to now technically be his boss?

Hamaguchi: “The works directed by Kitase-san definitely had a major impact on me back when I was playing these games in junior high school, so I deeply respect him very much in this way. Now here we are being creators and colleagues at this job of creating, and with that sometimes I’ll say some harsh things to him and he’ll say some harsh things back at me. But looking back at it all, I really think it was quite fateful that we would work together.”

There are many wonderful reveals in the recent trailer, but the real star of that trailer would have to be the Segway. What was the inspiration for this particular vehicle choice alongside things like the Tiny Bronco and the Highwind? Why is the Segway so important?

Hamaguchi: “In Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, you may be spending a lot of time adventuring on the world map on a chocobo, but thinking about Costa del Sol, which is a resort town, it may be a little odd or cumbersome to be on the chocobo. And I really want people to have fun navigating around this place, so I thought, ‘what’s a new and exciting way to get around this place?’ And this two-wheeled Segway-like vehicle had come to mind. And of course throughout the Final Fantasy series, we have this theme of having a serious undertone with these very comical elements interspersed throughout, and the sight of Cloud riding it is just really funny, and I’m happy this vehicle is getting noticed.”

Are there any final thoughts you want to leave the audience?


“It’s an absolute honor to be here at Comic-Con with the greatest voice actor and everyone here on the panel today. I had so much fun. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will be released on February 29. I don’t think there’s anyone out here [at the panel] who hasn’t preordered it yet, so please look forward to it. Let’s make it a great game! Thank you so much!”

Missed the panel? You can watch the livestream on Popverse.

Sources: New York Comic Con, Final Fantasy VII Twitter

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