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Spider-Man 2 Impressions

Updated: Jan 15

I am only few hours into Spider-Man 2. And I am truly impressed. This game is amazing! It may be too early for me to say this. Spider-Man 2 may be my Game of the Year.

I don’t say this lightly. Despite its few flaws, I love Final Fantasy XVI. And Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is a fantastic game. Both of these games are still strong candidates for game of the year. But Spider-Man 2 may bring this accolade home.

The Intro

The title screen itself kicks things off quickly. Once I hit a button to start the game, the intro immediately starts with a touching yet ominous scene with Norman and Harry Osborn. And the ominous part would be the symbiote.

The opening scene not only sets the tone for the game’s story. But the opening does an excellent job of grabbing my attention. I knew this game story was going to be an emotional roller coaster. However, I have a feeling that the story is going to be even more intense. And I am here for it.


Web Sling

Spider-Man 2 doesn’t slow down there. In fact, things get even more crazy. Miles and Peter have to take on Sandman.

Of course, the Spider-Men have to go Marko first. And this is where the web swinging comes in. The web swinging feels even more fantastic than Miles Morales. And thanks to the haptic feedback, the web slinging feels even more real.

Web Wings and Sling Shot

Web Slinging isn’t the only way to get around. The Spider-Men can now use “Web Wings” to glide through the air. And they can increase their speed by entering air currents. And once you hit these currents. You can get to your destination quickly.

Combat Evolved

Combat feels even more amazing in Spider-Man 2. When fighting the Sandman’s clones, I feel the impact of Peter and Miles’s attacks. Feeling the power of the Spider-Men punches made feel like I was in the battle myself. And it felt incredible fighting with Peter and Miles.


This first boss fight was incredible. It was exhilarating from start to finish. While I won’t get into the story specifics. I will say that this first boss serves both spectacular set piece.

Peter and Miles had to tag team and use their abilities to the fullest. Also, they had to use their smarts and tricks to bring down Sandman. Pete used water tanks and towers to exploit Sandman’s weakness. In turn, Miles uses his bio-electricity to damage Sandman heavily.

Side Quests

After quelling Marko’s rampage, Peter and Miles help with cleaning up the city. This is where the side quest comes into play.

I enjoyed the side quests in Mile Morales. And Spider-Man 2 does not disappoint. In fact, the sequel elevates these side quests even more. If there is one thing I appreciate about the side quests in Spider-Man 2 is how well they are integrated in the main story.

For instance, Marko have been defeated. But the villain is not out of the game entirely. There is an overarching side quest which involves finding and breaking the crystals connected to Marko. You learn about Marko’s past and what led to his stormy rampage.

And that’s not the only thing either. There are many other side stories like the one with Marko. And a lot of these get introduced in the main story too. And some even have fun mini games and tasks to complete.


The story is incredible. Similar to the previous entries, Spider-Man 2’s story is emotional, humanistic tale. While it appears to be a simple story, that doesn’t stop from being a strong narrative. And the story gets deeper and more complex as you progress in the game.

It is far from a black and white superhero story. There is a lot of duality to explore with the heroes and villains. And these are my favorite kind of stories. Stories delving deep into its characters and the world.

Of course, Spider-Man 2 is not lacking any lighthearted moments too. In fact, it wouldn’t be a Spider-Man without the corny jokes. Trust me. There are plenty of jokes to go around in Spider-Man 2. Plus, there are some heartfelt moments in the game too.

Character Models

My only gripe about Spider-Man 2 is some of the character models. I feel like the character models are not as render as well as they can be. They are not ugly, and they look fine. It just there is something about them that seems off.

Kraven, Miles, Black Cat look the best out of all of them. But, Peter, Harry, Mary Jane, and some other characters are not as polish as those three. It doesn’t make or break the game for me. But Spider-Man 2 is AAA game so the quality of the character models should consistent.

I will close with this. This game is highly addictive. This is because Spider-Man 2 is insanely fun. There is so much content in the game. The story is excellent. Traversal and combat have leveled up immensely. I can’t wait to play more of this phenomenal game.

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