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Star Ocean Second Story R: Opening Video

Updated: Oct 15, 2023

Square Enix showed a trailer for the opening movie for Star Ocean Second Story R. The opening was animated by Yostar Pictures. It previewed the theme of the game called “stella.” The theme is sung by SUIREN. The starry night line really pulls you in the song and trailer.

The opening starts off with introducing all of the main characters. The opening shifts more action packed than the previous opening game from the PSP port. Towards the end of the opening sequence the main cast was facing against the Ten Wise Men antagonists.

While Second Story has been out for ages. The Ten Wise Men don’t appear until halfway through the game. So, the opening is really promoting the face off against main cast and the Ten Wise.

The Federation Gun

Another thing I found interesting about opening is Claude using his Federation gun during the battle. Will the gun hold more significant to the story? After all, the gun has a few uses in battle and the story. And once you reach a certain point in the beginning, it runs out of juice permanently.

A More Active Rena

One final thing I noticed about the trailer is Rena taking a more active role in the battle. She teams up with Claude in striking one of the Ten Wise Men. And she uses her fist imbued with light. In another sequence, she tosses Claude’s sword to him. And Claude goes in for mighty swing against Gabriel.

Now, Rena does use her fists for melee combat. So, will she have access to battle arts in addition to spells? The battle system has been overhauled with new features. So, who to say that some of the characters will be able to use new abilities too?

The opening seems to emphasize Rena’s role as a dual protagonist.Battling alongside Claude. Using her fists in conjunction with her magic. And supporting him by tossing his weapon to him. I feel Rena will be taking a more active role in the story.

A Sign of More Changes?

I could be reading into the opening more than I should. But I just have a feeling that Star Ocean: Second Story R has more changes coming. We have seen what Square Enix has done with their ports, remasters, and remakes. It wouldn’t be out of the question for SOSSR to receive the same treatment.

Regardless, I look forward to playing one of my favorite RPGS of all time. The original Star Ocean: Second Story was my first game in the franchise. So whatever the remaster has in stored, I will be content with playing my favorite game in the Star Ocean Series.

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