Knights of the Round Table!

Besides Lost Soul Aside, I had no expectations for the latest State of Play. Heck, Lost Soul Aside's release date was the only thing revealed in the State of Play. I would have been content with that.
But, Sony threw us all a surprise when Tides of Annihilation was revealed. And this game looks awesome! Everything from the setting, story, cast, and combat is looking great so far.
We'll be breaking down everything from the amazing reveal trailer and all the info given so far. So, strap yourselves in. And let’s dive deep into this potentially awesome new game!

What is Tides of Annihilation?
Tides of Annihilation blends “intense, breakneck combat, an immersive narrative, and an unforgettable setting.” – Eclipse Grow Games.
Tides of Annihilation is an upcoming action-adventure game being developed by Eclipse Grow Games. The game’s main protagonist is Gwendolyn. Gwendolyn is the sole survivor of modern-day London as it has been ravaged by otherworldly, mystical forces.
Gwendolyn will explore the iconic landmarks of London and the fantasy realm of Avalon. During her journey, she will face off against the enemies inspired by Arthurian mythology.
But, Gwendolyn is now able to command the Knights of the Round Table to aid her in battle! Gwendolyn's mission is to save her sister. She will also discover her true origins while saving London and Avalon.

Who is Eclipse Glow Games?
Eclipse Grow Games is a brand-new studio. They are located in Chengdu, China. They are supported by an investment from, Tencent, one of China’s major corporations.
There are over 100 developers in the studio. The developers have previous from various franchises. These franchises are Yazuka, For Honor, Assassin’s Creed, Prince of Persia, and one my of favorite series: Persona.

The game is inspired by Arthurian mythos. And I’m happy about that. We have a cool and unique game with it comes to combat, setting, and story.
Also, I can’t help but notice the blend between reality and fantasy. Exploring modern London being ravaged by mystical forces will be awesome. And battling with the Knights of the Round will be equally as awesome.

First, I am happy that combat will be hack and slash. This will allow for fast and fluid combat. That is my favorite sort of combat.
You can tell that the combat was inspired by Devil May Cry. But, I couldn’t help to notice that some inspiration from FFXVI was being mixed as well. Could it be that FFXVI has some influence on the Tides of Annihilation?
There is one instance where Gwendolyn launches an enemy with a wave of icicles. It’s similar to how Clive launches enemies with Rising Flames. While the elements differ, the execution of these moves is similar.
Final Fantasy XVI influence or not, I can't wait to find out more about the battle system. So far, it looks great. I am already sold on it.

Light RPG Elements
Although, Tides of Annihilation is an action-adventure game. It will have some light RPGs elements. Gwendolyn will have a skill tree and she can level up.
It seems we can equip armor. And there are four different weapons to use. Gwendolyn can wield bows, her fists, and swords. There is a fourth weapon but developers have may conveniently forgot it.
Taking On Arthurian Legends
Being able to switch seamlessly between the Knights of Round will make for exciting and varied gameplay. The potential for combos will be incredible. Plus, we get fight bosses from Arthurian mythology will be amazing.
The fight between Gwendolyn and Mordred gave us a good taste of what to expect. Also, we get to fight bosses who are the size of skyscrapers. Yes, these giant Knights we saw in the trailer.

When is this game coming out?
There was no release date for Tides of Annihilation. Currently, there is a tentative release of 2026. This game will likely be released next year.
Honestly, Eclipse Glow Games can take their take. So far, this game looks incredible. And it has the making of being a banger. I can’t wait to find out more about this game.